The Museum of Capitalism seeks proposals for objects, artworks and projects relating to the historical period of capitalism, for our inaugural exhibition in 2017 and future programs.
Submissions may consist of existing artworks or projects, or may be proposals for new works to be completed or commissioned as part of the ongoing programming of the Museum. These proposals may be highly speculative in nature, to be considered for further development or merely considered. The Museum also accept proposals for full, self-contained displays in addition to individual artifacts or events that could be included as part of a larger themed exhibition.
Proposals may also be for objects or works that submitter did not create or does not possess, but which are suggested for acquisition, loan, or recontextualization by the Museum of Capitalism, which maintains an active practice of reframing objects and sites as elements of the our distributed collections.
We encourage submissions by individuals from a broad range of backgrounds, especially those who do not self-identify as artists, of everyday objects that have some personal history or memory of capitalism attached to them. If you have had experience with some specific, underexplored part of capitalism, the Museum want to hear your story.
In addition to the general call for proposals, there are several specific themes which museum curators hope will attract interested contributors. Some of these are ongoing and some related to temporary exhibitions. Currently these themes include the following:
To submit a proposal, please use the proposal submission form.
Museum of Capitalism
1675 7th Street #24738
Oakland, CA 94623